Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Well, I'm back.  (Last words of The Lord of the Rings trilogy).  I stopped blogging because I didn't really see the point.  It seemed silly and self-aggrandizing to post about my life and meditations.  But the truth is that I've missed the occasion to publish my reflections and to refine my understanding by following an argument through in a somewhat organized fashion, as writing tends to require.  In some ways, readership, or lack of readership, is beside the point, but of course I wouldn't be publishing this unless it mattered to me in some way.  I think the medium of a blog appeals to me because it's available to anyone who is interested enough to find it and read it, but does not pester anyone who is totally uninterested.  Read on if you're intrigued--stop now if you're not.

Over my vacation, I jotted down ideas for posts.  More to follow.


robin marie said...

Hip hip!!!

Czechdeb said...

Thanks, Robin! It's nice to know someone's there! :)

Nicole said...

I like reading your blog! I am glad you're back!

Czechdeb said...

Hey, Nikki B--So glad that I have TWO readers to know of. Thank you! :)